Wednesday 24 December 2014

The Best Christmas Gift

Christmas is indeed a season of giving and receiving. This year just like any other year, we receive loads and loads of gifts from loved ones, family, friends, colleagues, etc. and we tend to reciprocate the gestures. Beyond the pressure of reciprocity, have you stopped to ask what gift items to give to persons who are unable to give back and such gifts that will not take up space on their shelves. Here is my own idea of gifts that give back:

1. The gift of Love
Give hope to someone this season. You can make a donation to Nigeria Red Cross Society, pay a visit to Little Saints Orphanage  or The Heritage Home. The best reward is in the giving of self! 

2. The gift of Time
One of the most powerful gift you can give to someone in this season is your time. Offer to treat someone to a dinner at a Fancy Restaurant or invite them over to a homemade meal. The care, laughter shared and time spent will be unforgettable. 

3. The gift of Food
Nature has provided us with three sacred blessings to sustain human life: food, water and air. But none is more profound than the gift of food. There are loads of people who cannot afford a good meal or drink during this season. Why not volunteer or distribute food items to needy families and feed the world just like Christ did.

4. The gift of Value  
Values will remain with us as we journey through life's experiences. Bless someone with a gift of value during this season. To inculcate the value or habit of reading, give a gift of book. Visit Laterna Bookshop for a variety of choices. 

5. The gift of Experience
And let the Christmas season be an unforgettable experience for someone. Whether its seeing a play at Terra Kulture, a time at the beach or at the gym makes a great gift to someone who cannot reciprocate.
From the depth of my heart, I wish You a Merry Christmas and a Beautiful New Year!!!

Photo credit: Google


Unknown said...

Merry Christmas Mamacita!

Lux G. said...

May you receive all these wonder gifts this season and beyond. Merry Christmas, beautiful creature. :)

Nkem Offonabo said...

Thanks Ernie, Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to you and Mofaya

Nkem Offonabo said...

A big Amen to you dear @SuperLux

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