Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Creative Ways to Re-Use Old Bed Sheets + New-in Bedding

Hey Homeowners! Happy New Month!
It's the 11th of November (11/11/15) and we're here today, that's what matters!

HomeWorth Interiors Bedding Ensemble is selling real FAST. This is an opportunity to freshen up your bedroom, buy gift items for your loved ones this yuletide and it's also the season for weddings. Trust me, any couple will appreciate a new set of bed sheets, pillow cases, duvet and duvet covers for honeymooning. We've got 'em all, click here using any of the medium to request for picture samples and place your order. Ok! i digressed.

Ever wondered what to do with your old bed sheets when you are no longer feeling them? Give them away? Throw them away or Turn them into rags?
The choice is yours but I've got some creative and thrifty ideas to help you re-purpose your old bed sheets and save some bucks for yourself.
Here we go:

1. Make into kitchen or bathroom curtains to keep the sun from your eyes
2. Sew a new apron if you have ran out of supply
3. Sew a new cover for your ironing board, this will make ironing easy
4. Make into a simple DIY wall-art to brighten your space

5. Make cushions/throw pillows for your bed or sofa
6. Use as drop clothes for next painting project to protect the floor
7. Keep some in your car for an emergency repairs under the car
8. Save them for a beach/picnic outing

9. Cut into napkins, rags or dusting clothes
10. Sew into a laundry or craft bag
11. Can be used for packing of delicate items
12. Sew a trendy shopping/tote bag. The nylons are no longer in vogue

Got more creative ideas? Share in the comment section.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Just reading about this for the first time. I will try it out

Nkem Offonabo said...

Smiles..... I am glad it helped. Please don't fail to share with us after the trial
Cheers dear

Uthman Saheed said...

This is a nice idea...though for the women. as a ma who is going to bear the cost, and me as an accountant, hmmmm.... i will advice,.....

Nice tips.

Adaeze said...

See creativity on rampage!
All the ideas had me smiling, I might try one or two.
Thanks for this, darling Nkem

Trendy Mother said...

Nice ideas!, so which did you try out. motivate me to experiment!

Unknown said...

My old bed sheet is so used that the only creativity that comes to me is using it for rags... how creative can that get?

Nice one Nkem... This is sure useful to ensure a green world.

Nkem Offonabo said...

Dear Uthman, you aren't spending any money unless you meant ordering for the new-in beddings. Lol

Nkem Offonabo said...

Thanks Ada, I can imagine

Nkem Offonabo said...

@Trendymother, I've throw pillows made from used bedsheets. The next that comes to mind in making is the cover for ironing board, you can try that *wink*

Nkem Offonabo said...

@Ugo, your comment got me LOTFL. Please you need a new set of bedding NOW
Yours is beyond creativity!

Nedoux said...

Wow! who'd have thunk it?! The wall art tip is so brilliant.

Nkem Offonabo said...

And I trust you Nedu, with your creative sewing skill to do wonders with these tips.

Unknown said...

Hello Nkem. So I decided to stop by today :D
From what I've seen so far, I really need to take my decorations seriously. See fine fine decors and ideas on your blog :)

Nkem Offonabo said...

Thanks for stopping by! I really appreciate you for that and please you need to take that skill to the next level

Lux G. said...

How genius! No waste there. :)

Lohla's Melange said...

I agree with ugwumba oh, if they are nice enough to be used as throw pillow covers or wall art, then it ain't been used enough hehehehe

Nkem Offonabo said...

Hey Lux! How I've missed you and yes! No waste at all

Nkem Offonabo said...

Lohla! Lohla! Lohla! How old does your bedsheet have to get before you find new ones or say no way! Till they are rag? Mba nu!

Evita O. Enwefah said...

Imagine. I've never thought of any of these. The wall art is so cute and the ironing board tip...I think my mum has tried that before. But what I'd definitely try is the tote bag.

Nkem Offonabo said...

Yea Evita. The tote bag is really trendy and a must try
Thanks for stopping by

Lexhansplace said...

Massively detailed..... Was used to burning them or using as trashcloths but hopefully I'l try some of these...

First timer here....(I hope I get a bell ring)

Nkem Offonabo said...

Hey Lexhan *drum rolling* for you
Thanks for stopping by and please do try out some of these ideas.

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