Monday, 26 October 2015

....Colour Me Happy

I was reading about this award on Nedoux (about a month, two weeks now) and was smiling all through her responses not knowing i will get hit soon but in a good way *wink* I didn't plan on writing a blog post today but while i read through my favourite blogs this morning, i stumbled on this nomination. Thanks to the lovely sister, Adaeze of Adaezewrites for making me happy......

Here's The Rules: 
  1. Give thanks and link to the blogger who nominated you
  2. Put up the award logo on your blog
  3. Provide answers to the question asked
  4. Nominate 5 bloggers
  5. Make up 10 questions for your nominees to answer
Here's my answers to Adaeze's questions: 

  • Adaeze asked: What are your biggest challenges as a Blogger?
My answer: It's basically balancing work, business and the blog.
  • Adaeze asked: What are your likes and dislikes?
My answer: I like my privacy, honesty and self-worth. I hate deceit, stress and disrespect
  • Adaeze asked: When did you start blogging and what lead you to it?
My answer: I joined the blogosphere on the 4th of September, 2014 with this post. The passion to write comes naturally. Also, i needed an outlet for my passion but the inspiration to commercialise it came from a colleague. I wrote about it here 
  • Adaeze asked: What do you do in your spare time aside blogging? 
My answer: I daydream and iPray 
  • Adaeze asked: What are your favourite colours?
My answer: In decor i will go with an off-white with a touch of green and beige. In my wardrobe, i don't have a favourite colour, it's all black, brown and a mix of colours. I love flashy cars, mine is in yellow.
  • Adaeze asked: What is your favourite place in the world? 
My Answer: I am yet to travel the whole world so i'm still exploring 
  • Adaeze asked: Nigerian movies or Foreign movies? 
My answer: I will go with foreign movies anytime but i have some very good Nigerian movies i would love to see again. 
  • Adaeze asked: List 5 people who inspire you and why?
My answer: I draw inspiration from great women across the globe. Men don't inspire me as much as women do. Why? Because, they see women as the weaker vessels but truthfully we are not! This isn't feminism. 
  • Adaeze asked: Who is your favourite person in the world? 
My answer: Anyone who believes in me and pushes me to achieve more.
  • Adaeze asked: What 3 essentials can't you do without?
My answer: The Holy Spirit, Inspiration and My Family 

And the nominees are:
  1. Cassie Daves
  2. Dobby's Signature
  3. Tamie
  4. The Salt Chronicles
  5. Mindplosive
My Questions: 
1. Have you discovered your purpose in life and what is it?
2. Which one of your possessions has the most sentimental value to you?
3. If given another chance to come back to earth, what would you become?
4. Being rich or Being Fulfilled?
5. If you could have a second home, where would it be and why?
6. Who is your mentor and why did you choose him/her?
7. Aside blogging, what do you do for a living and why did you choose that path?
8. Criticism or Praise?
9. Where are you from and how did that shape your personality?
10. What three things would like to change about blogging?

Now unto the nominees, i can't wait to read your answers.......

Cheers and have a happy week


Lola said...

Maami how far na. Your questions need 5-senses attention. I am sweating already!

*Whew* I shall be back.

001 said...

Chai! Nkem!!
I smiled as I read the intro of the post, not knowing at the end of the post I might be drafting a post which might just have a similar intro.
And your Q's eh....i am also sweating already lol

Thanks dearie for the nomination.
And I love your answers...especially women inspiring you.

Nwamaka Onyekachi said...

Nice one, Nkem. I love your answers. Especially the one about drawing inspiration from great women. That's superb!

Women are the greatest inspiration. *hi 5!*

Anonymous said...

You daydream? That's cool. to those who will answer this almighty questions, I hail oo.

Unknown said...

Little did you know that Adaeze of Chynanu blog (my blog mother) nominated you first... Everyone just keeps nominating you, especially all these Adaezes Congratulations. You've got some interesting answers there.

Nkem Offonabo said...

Oyin love, i am waiting for your responses. Don't sweat too much, those questions and its answers should be at your fingertips

Nkem Offonabo said...

Yes Tamie! That was how i smiled while reading Nedoux's
Let me kow when your post is up. Thanks for your support

Nkem Offonabo said...

Nwamaka, you are one of the great women that inspire me and yes! Women inspire me more than men

Nkem Offonabo said...

hahahahah @Almight questions! I want to know my sisters beyond this blogosphere
Thanks Bola

Nkem Offonabo said...

OMG! Ugo are you for real? I actually checked Adaezewrites via your blog/nomination
Thanks for calling my attention to it

Lohla's Melange said...

Great response! Silently thanking God I don't have to answer these mba questions. Who came up with these award tho?

Nkem Offonabo said...

Lohla! why na??? Are my questions this hard?
Meanwhie, this your hiatus should be over by now

Adaezenwa said...

Lohla the questions aren't hard na!

Nkem Offonabo said...

No mind her! Hehehe

Unknown said...

Awwn thank you for the nomination. I'm feeling a bit lazy to blog so maybe I should attempt this for my next post but these questions require small thinking sha. Lol

Nkem Offonabo said...

You are welcome sis.
Thank God you said small thinking. I'd wait for your answers

Trendy Mother said...

Eeeeemh! Purpose driven 'flashy cars' Nkem. Am glad to be on the reading side oo.

Nedoux said...

Congratulations Nkem! Well deserved

I enjoyed reading your responses to Adaeze's questions. I daydream quite a bit too :-)

Have a lovely week.

Nkem Offonabo said...

Trendymother, purpose driven indeed! No boring colour when it comes to cars

Nkem Offonabo said...

Welcome to the dream world @Nedu and thanks again!
Do enjoy the rest of the week

Eya Ayambem said...

Hi Nkem, I enjoyed reading all your answers to Adaeze. Yellow car! You do love very flashy

Nkem Offonabo said...

Thanks Madam Eya. Yes, yellow car, there are just few of us. Lol

001 said...

Hey, Nkem.... erm, I done the assignment. lol

Lux G. said...

Oh, congrats! Well, deserved. I enjoyed getting to know you more through these questions.

Adaeze Writes said...

Awww....lovely comments dear. And the yellow car? Wow! That's eye-catching! I'd better look out for a yellow car on the roads so that I can shout, 'that's Nkem!'

Nkem Offonabo said...

Hahaha! Be sure to ask for the driver's name when you see a yellow car
Biko when is d movie premier?

fome said...

This is very inspiring, sad I am just finding this.

The Fome Native

Nkem Offonabo said...

@Enifome. You're very much welcomed.

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