Saturday, 26 March 2016

Pictures From "Posh by Nature" Shop Opening

Hello Home Lovers,

If you didn't show up at the Flagship Shop Opening of Posh by Nature, you missed!

Yours truly was there as promised yet, I did not miss The Passion of Christ Service. T'was indeed a Good Friday.

I have got a few pictures to share with you from the official photographer of the day, MDLStudio. Please follow him on Instagram to see his amazing works @mdlstudios. He made me feel like a model and brand ambassador, (Am i not? Lol)

Wondering what Posh by Nature is all about, check my other post here and go upgrade your home!

MUA by Me

Sunday, 20 March 2016

It's Spring Time

Today begins the Holy Week and The First Day of Spring....

Spring signifies growth, new beginning and resurrection. What a significant collaboration!

What are you holding unto? "Whatever you are holding unto holds you down" _ Tweet
Sin? Unforgiveness? Material possession? Hurt? Hatred? Procrastination?

Saturday, 19 March 2016

It's Going To Be A Good Friday

Hey Homelovers!

How have you been?
The Holy Week (that is the final week before Easter) starts tomorrow, March 20, 2016 and includes Holy Thursday and Good Friday. Holy Week ends on Saturday, March 26, 2016 and then comes EASTER Wohooo!!!

What have you planned for the long holiday which starts from Friday, March 25, 2016? For me and you if you are in Lagos, It's Going To Be A Good Friday as we join Posh by Nature at her flagship shop opening. Do Not Miss It!!!