Monday, 30 November 2015

But I Don't Feel Thankful....

What do you do when your life is going south?  What do you do when it is “THANKSGIVING” and you have just lost a loved one… or just lost your job… or just lost your marriage? Surely you cannot be expected to give thanks… can you?

November ends today and we all know its "Thanksgiving" month. It's a time to reflect and to consider all the ways we've been blessed. It's a time to give out gratitude to God for our families, our home, our health and our jobs. Ultimately, to count our blessings and hold close the ones we love.

I appreciate that perspective because I think that there is a lot to be said about a heart of gratitude. It's important to take the time to thank God for all that is good in our life.

But what if giving thanks meant more than just counting our blessings?

What if being thankful meant surrendering our struggles and trials too?

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Our New Logo - Help Us Choose

Hey Homeowners,
How have we been? If you can read this, thank God that you are alive. It's "Thanksgiving" tomorrow for my American brothers and sisters. I hope to do a post on that...
I was MIA last week, the reason been that I was sick and hospitalised for 4days. You see this our body, you just never can tell when an ailment hits you. I was at Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria on Friday, 13th of November for an owambe, I felt a little sickly on our way back but didn't take it serious, I also planned a beach outing for Sunday but ended up staying indoors for the better part of Saturday and next. Then BAM! yours truly was hospitalised on Monday. How do you explain that biko (please)? The devil is a liar! 

The good news is... that which didn't kill you, can only make you stronger! ‎

Ehen! I finally got to work on my company logo and stationary. I've been meaning to do this a long time ago but never got to until I stumbled on a colleague's  beautiful logo designed by @lekanblaze so I decided to give the graphic designer a try and I wasn't disappointed after all. He came up with these beautiful designs so, I am kinda torn between which to use.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Creative Ways to Re-Use Old Bed Sheets + New-in Bedding

Hey Homeowners! Happy New Month!
It's the 11th of November (11/11/15) and we're here today, that's what matters!

HomeWorth Interiors Bedding Ensemble is selling real FAST. This is an opportunity to freshen up your bedroom, buy gift items for your loved ones this yuletide and it's also the season for weddings. Trust me, any couple will appreciate a new set of bed sheets, pillow cases, duvet and duvet covers for honeymooning. We've got 'em all, click here using any of the medium to request for picture samples and place your order. Ok! i digressed.

Ever wondered what to do with your old bed sheets when you are no longer feeling them? Give them away? Throw them away or Turn them into rags?
The choice is yours but I've got some creative and thrifty ideas to help you re-purpose your old bed sheets and save some bucks for yourself.
Here we go:

1. Make into kitchen or bathroom curtains to keep the sun from your eyes
2. Sew a new apron if you have ran out of supply
3. Sew a new cover for your ironing board, this will make ironing easy
4. Make into a simple DIY wall-art to brighten your space