Monday, 26 October 2015

....Colour Me Happy

I was reading about this award on Nedoux (about a month, two weeks now) and was smiling all through her responses not knowing i will get hit soon but in a good way *wink* I didn't plan on writing a blog post today but while i read through my favourite blogs this morning, i stumbled on this nomination. Thanks to the lovely sister, Adaeze of Adaezewrites for making me happy......

Here's The Rules: 
  1. Give thanks and link to the blogger who nominated you
  2. Put up the award logo on your blog
  3. Provide answers to the question asked
  4. Nominate 5 bloggers
  5. Make up 10 questions for your nominees to answer

Friday, 23 October 2015

House Hunting Tips - Making The Right Choice For Your Home


House-hunting can be an exciting exercise and at the same time overwhelming. Choosing a new home either for rent or to buy is a major life decision just like marriage. Something not to be done in a hasty manner or you find yourself moving houses within a short space of time.

I have had to take up a rental in such a hurry; i was no doubt swayed by the space (a three bedroom bungalow with a front porch and a parking lot big enough to accommodate about three cars even though i had no car then, what a dream!) but played down on important stuffs. Fast forward to few months, I did not only have to contend with the distance to work, the edginess of the neighborhood to lack of power supply which also affected water supply, the dust-prone environment to the tiny wardrobes/closets, cabinetry and bathrooms. Thank goodness the rental agreement was just for one year!

I have put down some tips below to help you make the right choice for your new home:

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Decorating With a Touch of Green

Hello Homeowners, It's Green Tuesday!
Green for me represents nature, fertility and safety. You must have noticed my love relationship with the colour. Obviously, there is a touch of it on my blog and I plan to have my baby's nursery in green.You can read my post on colour psychology here and a green paint makeover i did for my hallway here. That's how much i love Green!
How about incorporating greenery into your home with any of these decor ideas and inspiration:


Friday, 9 October 2015

Hiatus - Back With a Discount

Hello homeowners, blog boos and crushes,
I know I have cheated on you guys for so long. Three (3) weeks is a lot of time away from my favorite spot and people. Please forgive me! I got on here to share something exciting and beneficial for y'all.

I recently collaborated with L'Avyanna Skin Natural who is organizing a Skincare Masterclass in December, 2015 for person(s) who will like to learn tips & tricks on skincare business. They are offering an additional 10% discount to my readers when you register using this voucher code: HWI8762